Analysis Services Performance Dashboard

Analysis Services Dashboard

The SSAS server dashboard contains several SSAS specific graphs as well as a collapsable properties pane on the right hand side.
The property pane has detailed tooltips for each server property to help user understand what they mean. Where relevent they also contain links to helpful MSDN articles

SSAS monitoring dashboard

The following are Analysis Services specific database properties shown on the SSAS dashboard:
  • - Sessions
  • - Cpu Usage
  • - Thread activity - queries & processing
  • - Disk File Cache
  • - Memory consumption
  • - Processing activity - aggregations, rows & MOLAP activity
  • - Logical Disk
  • - MDX - cells calculated, recomputes & sonar subcubes
  • - Locks
  • - Network IO
  • - Cache activity - hits, evictions, inserts & lookups

Tabular Mode

Tabular mode is supported by miniDBA as well as multi-dimensional.
miniDBA automatically detects the server type and changes what is displayed on the dashboard accordingly.
As seen below the MDX chart seen in the previous multi-dimensional screenshot is replaced by a Vertipaq chart. It displays the amount of memory being used by the Vertipaq engines for:
  • - Mapped Mb
  • - Paged Mb
  • - Non Paged Mb
SSAS monitoring dashboard