SQL Server Alerts provided by Mini DBA

SQL Server current alerts
The alerts screen shows 5 tabs:
  • Current Alerts

    Shows alerts that are active now. They disappear from this screen as soon as they no longer breach threshold values. This is a great view for seeing if anything is alerting at a glance.
  • Uncleared Alerts

    Shown in above screenshot. Shows those alerts that have been active but havent been cleared. Clearing an alert is optional and is dependant on your workflow. Clearing it only removes it from the window.
  • Alerts History

    Previously raised alerts are shown here, the latest 1000 are displayed. You can filter this view to show only certain priorities or alert types.
  • Configuration

    Alerts are configured to be raised only when certain threshold values are breached. They can send emails, write to Slack or the Windows event log as well as popping up from the Windows system tray.
    Please read in more detail here - Alert Configuration
  • Maintenance Windows

    During maintenace windows alerts will not be raised. This is good for known server downtime or patching time when alerts will be raised but they don't matter.
    A daily and weekly maintenace window can be set here for each SQL Server.

Alert Details Screenshot:
SQL Server current alerts
The screenshot above shows an alerts details as would be seen in any of the alert tabs. Alert details can be seen at the bottom of the screen when an alert is clicked in a grid.

Notice the Performance Data button that takes you to a point in time view of the SQL Servers performance metrics when the alert was raised. This can be helpful to find what T-SQL statements were running at the time of the alert as well as cpu, memory and disk performance.
Also the Configure button is a shortcut to the Configure tab with the alert in question shown.

The section to the right displays a description of the alert as well as a comments section that may optionally be used by team members to track work done on an alert. This is particularly powerful when used with miniDBA Server as many people can view and edit the comments section.